
Hello Edexcel IGCSE Examinees!

To tell you a bit about myself, I am Namira Shameem, a May 2015 candidate. I have always been this confused individual, who felt school notes and textbooks were never enough. I scouted through the Web, I went to seniors and asked whether we need tutors at home. At the end of the day, I never really knew whom to trust, or what to believe. I never came across one thing that would answer me, is doing this going to be enough to get me those A*s?

Regardless of all that, I did eventually get past my IGCSEs, and hopefully, so will all of you, and with very good results, if I may add! To help you along the way, I decided to make a compilation of the materials which really did help me, or I found helpful, even if it were too late to study them.

In each blog post, I’ll add links and files relating to one IGCSE subject. I had eight IGCSE subjects, listed below:

  • English Language B
  • Bengali
  • Mathematics B
  • Further Pure Mathematics
  • Physics
  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Economics

As for tutors, I can assure you that you can get the best possible grades you deserve without extra help, as long as you put in YOUR best.

Feel free to ask me any questions you may have regarding IGCSEs, and I’ll try my to answer them to the best of my ability!

6 thoughts on “About

  1. Dear Namira I found your site when I was googling though “Recurring questions in IGCSE Biology”, you site is very helpful. What would you say about this question, do you think there are subjects or questions that always occur, i.e. that you must must know? Started late in Bio due to other subjects so need to cram in as much as possible in short time.


    • Hello Helen! Glad to hear from you. There are definitely some questions you should be knowing e.g. Adaptations of heart / lungs for rapid gas exchange, blood clotting, heart disease and factors relating to it such as smoking, activity levels; adaptations of ileum for efficient digestion, structures and functions of blood vessels etc. So I would advice you to go through your question papers and mark the ones which get repeated, study that section from your book or notes and try to answer. Finally check with the markscheme and add to your initial answer.
      Again, I’d stress that the specification is very helpful, and will give you direction when studying, so use it to your advantage.
      Hope this helps! If you have more questions, feel free to message me. 🙂


    • Please read through the posts, you’ll find your answers. Consistency is key, so revising short bits or one topic at a time might help instead of sitting down to study in chunks. Writing things down usually helps me remember easily, whereas for some reading or listening to an audio might work better. Try out various study techniques and see which suits you best. There could be three reasons as to why you aren’t getting your desired grade:
      1. You didn’t understand the concept. In this case ask for help! Read up extra materials, ask your friends for help, go to the teacher when you’re free.
      2. You didn’t study – time to stop the procrastination and motivate yourself to work hard.
      3. You studied but not enough to recall info – here’s when you should either give more time to that subject, or switch around the study techniques you’ve been using.

      Hope this helps!


  2. Dear Namira apu, I am an Edexcel O level Candidate and I must say thay I am so glad that I found someone who was more into learning rather than grades. I also use Cambridge books to make notes too !
    Your Biology notes really helped understand how to make good notes as I really had no guidance. I was so confused whether my notes were being too extensive or covering too less or the wrong topic, but yours really helped me understand.
    I used your Bio notes but I can’t find your Chem ,Phys or Eco notes- where can I find them now dear?


    • Hello Amrita,
      Thank you for your comment. I am glad my notes are coming in handy even now! Unfortunately, I never got around to uploading my Chem, Phys, or Econ notes. I no longer have the copies either, gave them away. My Chem notes weren’t elaborate – I just made a few summaries the month before the exam using the specification and book. As for Physics, I studied the book, class notes, specification, and focused on the QP.
      For Econ, I used the book, looked up stuff online. Had wonderful teachers for this subject so didn’t need to do more. Hope this helps!


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